2) Nai 3 fores
3) 1 Xrono (Min kita3ete to score kita3te ta stats mou)
4) 19
5) DaMaN,Rafaellos,Ripa[Moramee],
Also, answer this questions:
1) There is a NEW player who insult other players in the chat, how would you act?
8a ekana kai stous dio mute kai meta apo ena lepto 8a tous ekana unmute.epishs 8a tous rwtousa giati tsakonontai
2) There is a player in the spawn who teleport all vehicles near him causing Lagg, how would you act?
8a ton ekana jail me reason: don't cause lag to other players
3) There is a player who RAM other players with several cheats, how would you act?
8a ton ekana jail me reason: don't ram other players